Thursday, December 23, 2010

Random Thoughts and Quotes 2010

If I have to play dinosaur train one more time today I might just become extinct myself. Just saying... CA

When getting ready for photos with my sisters yesterday I asked the kids how I looked. N replied, "Well... you don't look like an idiot" (great, just the look I was going for!)

N had his first solo in choir show yesterday. Turns out he didn't even want to sing the song. When asked why he said, "Because it was 'I don't want to grow up'. And I do want to grow up"

L: "mama, why did you tell us that?" Oh, I was just screwing with your heads. L: "But, why ?" Just kidding honey. Noah: "whew, that's good I thought you were gonna screw our heads right off!"

"i was eating so fast that I ate my boogers. They went down into my tummy, and that's why I have a cold" The divine Ms L

N: Mommy do you have an I-phone.
Me: No, I do not.
L: Of course not sillies, it's an EAR phone.

‎"but why do I have to wear pants, I want to feel the flow" Ms L

"mommy, can you give me some privacy? That means GET OOOOUUUT." Ms. L.

On the wall outside of the Kindergarten room is a row of self portraits by the kids. In the middle of it all: a T-Rex named Noah.

N: "Mommy, you are a genius" L: "that's right, and Daddy's a Buddhist."

If Noah is Encyclopedia Brown, then Lucy is Ramona.

"I don't want a time out, I want to live!" Says Ms L

If a puffin ate a cow, he would be big enough to take over the WHOLE world" ~ N

"Actually Mommy, it's not an necklace. It's a highly decorated tail of a Mamenchisaurus. Which as you know, was a plant eating quadruped dinosaur" ~N

Good morning world. The kids and I are making Green Eggs and Ham this morning. Mmm fresh spinach from the garden.

Noah quote of the week, "mama, I am never mischievous with my body"

N "Finally the bad dreams popped out of my head and are letting the good dreams have a turn"

Ms L reports she had a "furious" dream last night. There was a Moose-chipmunk that chased her around her bedroom.

"Hey kids your beans sprouted let's plant them and maybe you'll grow beanstalks." "NO!! We don't want giants in the house. Please don't let the giants come" And chaos ensued...

Today's invisible pet is a vulture. it lives on Noah's shoulder and his name is Pink-Black. When asked why, Noah patiently explains, "because vultures are pink and black" (the unspoken "duh" is loud and clear)

Me to Lucy after her bath, "mmm, you smell good honey." Lucy, "no I don't, I'm not a pizza"

"Mom, I use my fingers to put my spaghetti on my fork. You see, that way I am using good table manners" Noah

That spot in the back of your knee, that ticklish spot? Yeah, that's your knee-pit... according to Mr. N.

I don't know which was funnier today: Noah singing "Ring of Fire" in his best Johnny Cash voice or when he said, "They're really Rockin'out Mama" while listening to Journey on the stereo.

Bowling with the 5 and under set takes a looooong time. Pretty sure there's at least one ball that's still slo-o-o-wly rolling down the lane .

Thanks for dinner. It was Yum-credible!" Noah

what should we do for Daddy's birthday?" "Play pin the tie on the Patrick!" - says the ever creative Noah

Saturday, December 18, 2010

2010 Nutcracker

So every year I get the kids an ornament for the tree. I started this for N's first Christmas and so far I've managed to uphold the traditions. (I'm great with ideas, but confess that follow through is not always my strong suit when it comes to family traditions)

So this year comes along and L and I are headed to Freddy's and she says, "I want a nutcracker" "Really," I reply. I'm a little slow on the uptake and at first I think she means a metal v-shaped devise used to, well, crack nuts. After a few minutes of her insisting she really wants one, I begin to figure out what she means. "I want to dance with my own nutcracker" Ah-ha. The memories of the multiple viewing of her ballet video come crashing into my brain. The memory of her fascination the last time we were at the store with the nutcrackers.

I hem and I haw and I stall for a minute or two. And then I take a deep breath. "Okay," I say, "you can have a nutcracker." I surprise myself with this response, as I can be a stickler for the traditions I do manage to follow. (ask me to tell you about day one of this years cookie baking) But, I realize that this is her first year of really getting into the magic of Christmas and who cares what she wants.

We get into the store and after forcing her to get the groceries we need first, we finally find our way to the ornaments and nutcrackers. I never realized how difficult a choice it would be to pick out just the perfect one. She picked them all up, inspecting and rejecting many out right . But then there were big ones and little ones. I asked if she wanted one she could hang on the tree (okay, maybe I hadn't given up on the ornament that easily), but no she insisted it had to stand with the animals. (Nativity scene? No, the stuffed animals....duh) Finally she chose a red one. It came with a littler one at its feet. "I'll share that one with N."

She carefully took $2 out of her little pink purse and paid the over-worked and cranky clerk for the nutcracker. (the clerk apparently didn't understand my expressive eye-brow raising signals, which said, "She's paying her share, I'll pay the rest. Isn't she sweet?") And home we went.

She carefully put the nutcracker on the floor and proceeded to lie at stare at it for awhile. She rocked it a bit, and then danced for awhile. All in all a good afternoon.

Until... N came home.

I had forgotten that N had been with us the first time we had seen the nutcrackers. I had forgotten that he too was interested in them. I blissfully believed he would be ready to head off to the store and get an ornament with me. SIGH... once it was established that the nutcracker was indeed L's and not everyone's, there was a quick avalanche of tears. (really, over a nutcracker? Does no one see how ugly these things are but me?) So, N gets the choice. Ornament or nutcracker. He chooses a nutcracker. By now I don't even bat an eye when he chooses one dressed in camouflage.

Ho ho ho. One week until Christmas. Hope your week is a good one.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The World's most powerful computer.

Inspired by Calvin and Hobbs. We present The world's most powerful computer. Starring N in his very own tattered box!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

It was a busy Halloween. So many costume choices, what to wear, what to wear. I wish I had a photo of Noah in his storm-trooper costume and giraffe mask. (it's the costume I was silently rooting for) Finally the lure of the sea chanties and dancing princesses could not be resisted. The kids went for outfits they've been known to wear on a daily basis. Ahhh... comfort in the everyday wear. (I think it's like me wanting to stay in jammies all day)

Happy Halloween from us!

Monday, October 4, 2010

I'm a banana slug

Went for a walk today in Tryon Creek State Park with our friend Darcy today. It was a lovely crisp fall day and perfect for a walk.

Princess L was not inclined to go for a walk, or a hike, or leave the house for that matter, but we went anyway. First there was the refusal to wear her boots, then the discussion over which jacket/coat/sweater she wanted to wear. Then there was the tear filled episode over the car seat. Yes, the car seat. We recently moved N into a booster seat in the car and switched L over to his old car seat. Because N had outgrown his car seat L got it into her head that she had also grown out of hers. Well, not the case at all. Patrick has just always like N's better so we switched them, thus leaving hers at home, at the ready. But, nothing could convince her it wasn't too small. I continued to buckle her in anyway, and off we went. (When talking about our day at dinner this evening, she promptly told Daddy about the too small car seat)

We arrived at the park and she still didn't want to wear her boots (even if they are pink), it wasn't raining and appeared dry and it was only Monday, so I let it go. Off we went. It wasn't really a hike it was a meander. A lovely meander at that. L stopped to look at leaves and to pick up piles of dirt. She spotted a banana slug and while squeamish remained fascinated by it for the remainder of the walk. She wouldn't be hurried for anything. (a lesson for me in there somewhere I'm sure) and really just wanted to "be".

There was time for Pooh sticks off the Red Fox Bridge. Or in our case Pooh Leafs as leafs were more abundant then sticks. I'm pretty sure L's favorite part of the game is the dropping of the item and not the waiting to see it pass under the bridge. Why? Because as soon as it hit the water she's run to the other side and declare herself the winner (with nothing in sight yet) and then say, 'let's play it again!' And so we did...a lot. No matter, I like Pooh Sticks/leafs.

All in all for someone who didn't want to go she was a trooper and had a good time in spite of herself. Although at bedtime tonight she insisted the only thing she did all day was , "miss my brother
, N". Clearly, it's taking time to transition into this new life. But, we'll get there.

She did sing a lovely LONG song all the way home. It had many many verses about slugs, bats, monkeys, spiders and worms. I could only remember bits and pieces of it. What I could remember I share with you below. Enjoy!

I'm a banana slug
sticky, dirty slug
I'm beautiful, but I don't like to be touched.

I'm a little bat
I'm hanging upside down
I see a beautiful princess
but I'm too short....

I'm a little monkey
swinging on a tree
I fell and I have a princess Band-aid (c) on my knee

Monday, September 27, 2010


Hey y'all. I'm struggling with my new role as a stay-at-h0me mom. Which means I'm struggling to find things to write about, as I don't want this blog to become a whine-a-thon. I really enjoy writing and I love to write about my kids. But, I'm not quite able to put pen to paper or even fingers to the keyboard with much joy right now.

I knew the adjustment to they stay-at-home lifestyle would be difficult. I always said I wasn't the stay-at-home type. But, I also said I'd never be a mom, and if I was I wouldn't be a good one. Both of those statements turned out to be false, so who's to say I could n't make the next leap? I mean, obviously, I am a mom and I think I'm a pretty good one . But, I think part of the secret to my success was knowing my limits. But, I truly believed things and times had changed and I would LOVE the new chapter in my life. Oops, I don't love it. And that breaks my heart a little bit. Because, I really wanted to love it. I really wanted to jump in with both feet and relish the experience. But, I'm a fish out of water and it's hard.

This is a choice that I made and even proposed. This is what is currently best for our family and it's not forever. I don't think of it as a jail sentence, and I know Ms. L and I will find out groove. I just hope I don't lose my own groove in the meantime.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Too tired... oh so tired....

look for real post soon.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Surfs up dude

N fell in love with the ocean this camping trip.  He had a blast.  We couldn't get him out of the water until his lips were blue and he was shivering.  Even then it was a battle and only with promises that he could go back in, once he was warm, could we successfully keep him out.

He started out slowly, like any sane person at the Oregon coast where the water is shockingly cold, first running in and then running out giggling all the way.  He'd come back in for a few seconds.  Laugh uproariously when the waves hit and then scamper back to dry land. But it didn't take long.  Before we knew it he was begging to be on the boogie board and in the water ready to call, "ride the waves, dude!"

Finally, we put the kids in suits and traipsed back down to the beach.  L was content to dig and roll in the sand (yes, like a puppy).  N strapped on his life jacket and marched straight to the shoreline.  He was determined.  And while the actual boogie boarding idea was not a success, there was much joy to be had.  He and Patrick stayed in the water for what seemed to be hours.  They chased the waves back towards the horizon, giggled and laughed as the waves returned the favor chasing them to the shore.  They'd stand still and jump as waves came crashing in.  It was a sight of pure joy. 

In addition to being pure joy to watch it was a snapshot into how much he has grown and changed since our last camping trip.  Last year he put his toes in the water once deemed it too cold and that was that.  Nothing could get him in the water again (last year it was in the 90s, this year the high 70s).  

Last year he was content to dig in the sand and climb on a few logs on the beach.  This year he wanted to try everything.  He climbed to the top of the dunes at Cape Kiwanda, went on a nature hike, earned his JR Ranger badge and roasted his first marshmallows.  There's no stopping this kid and his curiosity.

No dogs in the bathroom

 In this world there are those who follow the rules and those who don't.  And somewhere in the midst of this are three year old girls.  Ms L currently is a rule follower.  Every time (and I mean every time) we went to the bathroom while camping she would stop and point out the signs at the entryway.  "That's me when I 'm a grown-up," she'd say pointing at the woman.  "See, you can tell because I don't have a dress on now."  She would then remind me, "no smoking and no dogs allowed in the bathroom."   We discussed what to do if we saw smoke in the bathroom (I was speaking of the smoke that comes from a fire, as I wasn't about to get into a moral/health discussion about smoking with her in the bathroom)  We decided we would tell a Ranger right away.  I did not address the issue of what to do if there was a dog in the bathroom, didn't think it would come up.  Oh, silly, silly mommy. Really, I should have seen this coming.  After all the gods certainly would want to reward such diligent behavior. "no smoking, no dogs"   Didn't Miss L deserve a chance to show off her skills as a good rule follower?  SIGH... Final morning, off we go (for what seems to be the umpteen-millionth trip to the bathrooms).  First things first.  Stop at the men's room to what, see if the sign has changed since we last walked by?  "Look Mommy, it's the boys' room.  There's N, when he's a grown up"   Around the corner we go, stop,  "Look it's the womens' bathroom.  That's me!  No smoking and no dogs allowed"    We go in, and while waiting our turn, sure enough, in walks a woman with her dog.  "MOMMY!  There's no dogs allowed in the bathroom.  No dogs allowed." She waits, briefly as if expecting me or someone to do something. (woman with the dog does a fine imitation of a wall, and hears nothing) "Well, I guess we'll just have to tell the Ranger."    ...and scene.


Friday, July 30, 2010

LRW - Bee Whisperer

This photo has nothing to do with this post.  I just thought it was cute. She's a cowgirl in this photo.  And yes the dress is on backwards, the boots are pink and it's a winter cap.  Gotta a problem with that?

So, Ms. L's new favorite thing to do?  She likes to stare at the bees in the lavender bush.  She will then say, 'these are my bees'.  Tonight she began catching bees in with her fingers (thumb and index)  She'd look at them and  say, 'they won't bite me, mama'  then she let them go.  I'm not sure how many she did this with before I began to count. But when I did count, I noted she had  gently caught 10 bees, checked them out and set them free.   Who does that?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Just another day in the life

"Mama!!" Long knocks on the bathroom door.  SIGH....  "who is it?" I call, knowing exactly who is knocking.  If I'm in the shower, it's going to be L.  "It's me!  I have to go potty!"    SIGH.  "Come in"  I hear her flounce in.  There's a flutter of activity as she looks in the mirror, opens the linen closet doors in search of a band-aid.  "I think my owie is bleeding,again."   "It's not bleeding L.  If you have to go potty go, otherwise please leave and shut the door behind you."  ( All I want for Christmas is an uninterrupted shower. Hell, an uninterrupted moment in the bathroom)

"Mama, I want to take a shower WITH you"  "L, you don't even like showers."  "Yes, I do"  "Really,  Okay, sure... come on it"   More flurry of activity while she disrobes.  Another few minutes of stalling while she plays peek--a--boo with shower curtain.   "L, if you want to get in, just get in.  I'm almost done"    "Okay"

L steps into the shower.  I step out of the way to allow her to enjoy the shower experience.  And after a look of shock disbelief followed by that special high pitched squeal that only young girls possess, she says to me in her most indignant tone, "but Mama, I didn't want to get wet in the shower!!!!"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dirt Babies

When we were at AGFEST 2010 a couple of weeks ago the kids made Dirt Babies.  Below are the instructions and the results.  I think that kids of all ages might dig this project.

 Things you need :  old stocking legs, dirt, grass seed, jar, various decorative doo-dads

1.  Put large scoop of grass seed in toe of stocking (3 tablespoons or so)
2.  Put about a cup or so of dirt on top of seed
3.  Tie off stocking so you have a ball(trim of excess stocking but leave about  3 inches)
4.  Decorate your dirt baby with face, ears at your whim - hat's not recommended
5.  Put dirt baby in a jar with mouth just small enough for dirt baby to rest on and  tail should be in water (photo should clarify this direction)
6.  watch and be amazed!
7. Then your babies will need haircuts

Monday, April 26, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

 The garden is beginning to take shape, hooray!   Today we got garlic, onions, peppers and cosmos planted.  The sunflower seeds have sprouted and we still have lettuce, spinach, and tomato starts to get in the ground.  And let's not forget the pumpkin and cucumber seeds still awaiting their earthy new home.  For those of you who have seen our yard, you must be wondering just where all these plants are going... trust me we are too! 

I put the peppers in pots and plan to do the same with the lettuce and spinach.  The garlic and onions have taken over the bed by the front door... mmm won't that be a fragrant greeting for our guests.  tee hee.  At least we'll keep Dracula and all his vampire buddies away.  (Patrick and the children have been reading a delightful series of books featuring a bunny named Bunnicula, so the deterent is particularly timely this year.)

 The kids had a great time this morning assisting with the gardening.  Princess L was busy with the watering can and N dug the holes for the garlic and onions.  When it came time to think about where to put the spinach I discovered that they were much more interested in eating the spinach then planting it.  Finally  I convinced them that we could have endless supplies of spinach for the spring/summer, but only if we actually got it planted.  So the nibbling stopped, for now.  I fully expect to find my children eating lettuce and spinach and peas right out of the garden all summer.  And, you'll hear now complaints from me!

Despite my busy schedule at the theater these days we have managed to have some good family outings.  Our most recent outing was to AG FEST 2010.   It was truly a kids paradise.  They took their first pony rides.  "Mom, the ponies today were kind of mellow, next time I want to ride a fast pony." says my daredevil boy, N.    L did ride the pony despite spending the entire car ride to Salem insisting that, "Little girls do not ride ponies.  Little girls do not like ponies.  I won't ride the pony!"  We told her she didn't have to, and this of course prompted a change in attitude, "Little girls DO like to ride ponies!" 

The kids had a blast checking out all the different animals, there were sheep, goats, rabbits, cows, llamas, and horses.   Everyone was encouraged to pet the animals and ask questions.  N was very excited and just couldn't  decide where to start.  L was a little shy at first and spent the first 10 minutes or so in my arms.  As you can see she warmed up, eventually, and had a grand time petting and visiting with the animals.  At every pen she would pick up a piece of hay or some sawdust and try and feed the animals.  I don't think I was ever able to convince her that most animals don't really like saw dust!

As well as animals to see,  there were plenty of hands on activities to do.  N "milked" a wooden cow (which my friend Darcy says sounds like a euphemism for something not so kid friendly!)

  They dug up potatoes (and then buried them again for others to find) they made dirt babies (look for a photo in a week or so) and had ice cream and fresh air.  And that's how I will remember it.  I won't remember the zillion times I had to say, "Stop" or "Wait"  or the 7 seconds of terror I felt when L got out of my eyesight and she wasn't with Patrick.  I won't remember the ache in the small of my back from carrying a three year old around the fairgrounds or the lingering headache I had all day.  I won't remember how crowded it was or the feeling of claustrophobia I got walking around the exhibit hall.  No, I  really will remember the smiles on the kids faces while they had those first pony rides and when we said, "yes, you CAN have an ice cream bar" (even though you've had nilla wafers and a chocolate chip cookie already).  Because those are the moments that really matter.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Super Snap and Captain Bubble

Today was one of those spring days in Oregon when it rains, and rains, and then it pours for awhile and then goes back to more rain. Days like this are hard enough under normal circumstances, but we are currently in the midst of the rehearsal-going-into-performance cycle in our household. Which translates to child speak into Mommy is never home. So when she is home it's all about how much attention can we get from her and how close can we keep our bodies to her before she'll crack under the pressure. Now, I realize that my children are exactly that - children, and they are not equipped with the same understanding of time that adults are. They cannot comprehend the idea that 7 more weeks does not a life time make. In fact soon enough this will be but a blip on the radar. But to them it is an eternity and they want Mommy home now!

So, instead of a day at the park I daydreamed about on our recent glorious Saturday afternoon (I found myself gazing out the window during at least one of Iago's soliloquies - sorry, T0dd) we had a day trapped inside. Before anyone suggests I should have just decked everyone out in our rainy day gear and gone puddle stomping, I'll say it crossed my mind. But, one has the sniffles and one has the case of the three-year old-itis, it just wasn't happening today.

Now, if you ask my children what we did today, they are liable to tell you nothing. And they way they were begging me to play hide and seek (for the 2nd time) this evening you would have thought I hid from them all day leaving them to their own entertainment. To that I say, oh hohoho n-n-n-no. I was in pretty good form today. There was craft time and stories. There was couch pirate ship sailing across the mighty ocean to the undiscovered territory of Toyland. There was breakfast, lunch and a lovely variety of fruit mid-morning snack. There was trains, paper dolls and bed trampoline races. There were more stories, and chores (Oh, yes I made them each put away one pile of clean laundry and pick up their toys when done -the horror!) I'm telling you it was a full day. I was exhausted.... it was only 1:30. Hooray for "rest time"

Rest time used to be called nap time. But nobody naps anymore. They both could use naps, but have declared themselves too old. So it's rest time, it is. Piles of books and sleepy children head to separate rooms and they read. Some days, if we are lucky, L will still fall asleep. But, I think she's too busy listening for N (who gets to watch the clock and come out at the appointed time on his own) to come bounding out of the room. For usually mere moments after he comes tearing out she's right behind asking oh so coyly, "is N up yet?" as if she doesn't see him standing directly in front of her!

This is the time of day when I usually begin to crack. We try to limit the tv/computer time. But on days like today it's so easy to give in when N turns to me with his sweetest smile and says, "May I have computer time, please?" So, to the computer he goes and Miss L is right there beside him and for 30 blissful minutes I sit on the couch reading cheap magazines or detective novels. (Rest time may be for housework or dinner prep, but computer time is lounging time!)

When all is said and done it wasn't a bad day. Oh L got 3 time outs and N sobbed as if the world would end when he couldn't watch a video tonight. But those things go with the territory.

If you ask me my favorite part of the day was making the masks below for "Super Snap" (N) and "Captain Bubble" or "Bug Girl" (L). But as you see in the above photo, I think their favorite part of the day was pretending to be kitties in the yarn used for the mask making.

Oh, and a giant shout out to Patrick for making the biscuits for dinner with the kids. YUMMM!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm three!

I'm three, I'm three, I'm three! Mommy had planned to write this blog on her own, but the truth is I like to do EVERYTHING myself, so I'm doing it. No, I'm serious if mommy or daddy lift me into my car seat I'm gonna just climb back out and get in it myself. If mommy picks out something for me to wear, I'm gonna just toss it back in the drawer and pick out something else. (and usually something much cuter, I might add) Yep, I am an independent gal.

I am enjoying being three. It's like I woke up one day and suddenly I'm a big girl. Mommy says that sometimes this new found independence can make me a bit of a drama queen. I'm not sure what she's talking about, doesn't everyone cry over the details? I mean it is very important how my carrots are sliced (or not sliced depending upon the day). It is a huge deal if I don't get to have PB&J EVERY DAY. If mommy would just learn this then I wouldn't cry on the days she tries to sneak in ham and cheese.

I really enjoy playing with my magnetic paper dolls. I know it can drive mommy crazy when I want her to dress and undress the dolls with me all afternoon. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm trying to gas-light her with this little game, but really I just love my dolls. My favorite one is Annie. It's most important that she have just the right outfit on when it's time to go to her dance class, and no, it can't be the blue shoes it must be the pink ones...and again it's very important to the happiness of the entire world.

Speaking of dance class I had a wonderful dance party for my birthday. Did you know that I am really Angelina Ballerina? It's true. I love to spin and twirl and dance around the house in my tutu. I also love to throw in pratfalls from time to time. It's okay, I'm good at pratfalls (l learned them from my big brother N. He's the best) so I never get hurt. I hope I get to take dance classes this summer.

N and I are learning how to play together. Sometimes we fight and I'm not as good as sharing as he is, but hey I've only be three for a couple of months now. There's a lot on my plate these days. Some days I want to do whatever it is that N is doing. I like to play with his trains, I'll eat whatever he's eating, play tag or sit quietly reading on the couch with him. I think that some days I bother N, but it's just because I love him so much and he's my best friend.

Mommy interjects here. N had a bad day a few weeks ago when he and a school chum were having a communication troubles over the term "best friend". This is the conversation that Daddy overheard in the car are the way home:

L "it's okay N you're my best friend, right?"
N "Right, and you're mine."

I enjoy painting and coloring and all kinds of crafts. If I could I would have craft day every day, especially if Mommy would let me use scissors and markers all the time. That would be soooo great. I love being outdoors and picking flowers and digging in t
he dirt. Well, I liked digging in the dirt until I discovered that is where worms live... I don't like worms, at all. I dislike worms so much that I have myself convinced that every stick we see on the sidewalk is a potential worm waiting just for me. Although mommy thinks I might be moving out of my worm hating phase as today I drew a picture of worms in the dirt. (but, I might just surprise her with a loud screech on our next walk, just to remind her who decides when I'm done with this phase her or ME)

The other big news is that I practically potty trained myself. I just woke up one Sunday and announced I wanted to wear underwear and so I did. And I've been doing it ever since. I haven't had very many accidents (although some times I think boys have it easier in the aiming department. And I am learning that it's hard to watch yourself pee and keep it all in the potty at the same time) I haven't mastered it completly, but I love, love, love wearing underwear almost as much as I love wearing my cherry boots (and I try to do that everyday) so I'm working hard to keep them clean and dry.

I sure am looking forward to being three for awhile, although I still don't understand why I can't just have another birthday party this week so I can turn 4. But, I guess N get to have the next party and then he'll be 5. WOW...that's gonna be great.


For a few years now we've been saying grace at dinner time.

We are grateful for the food on the table
The many hands that helped provide it.
We are grateful for the time we get to spend together as a family
We ask for blessings on those less fortunate then ourselves
And, as always, we pray for Peace. Amen.

This served us well for a few years. It induced some giggles when Mommy would forget the line about family (perhaps, subconsciously after a particularly long day?) or when the kids began to say it and tripped over works like 'less fortunate" . The end is always said with great enthusiasm, and volume.

A couple of weeks ago I felt that, like many routine things, the pray had become...well...routine. So, instead of beginning the prayer I asked what everyone was grateful for. I have been amazed at what has come from the kids. I'm not sure what I expected, but I did not expect them to take the idea and run with it. Oh sure, there are days when they are grateful for a tv show or a toy. But other days we get some thoughtful responses:

L - I am grateful for 'No-No' (what she sometimes calls her brother)

N- I am grateful for going to the library

L - I am grateful that the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, and that the clouds are big so rain can fall from them.

N- I am grateful for my friend Dylan

Me, I'm grateful for those glimpses at the end of a day that show me we are, indeed, doing some things right. Amen

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spring fever bites hard

Spring fever has hit the Wohlmut family. Well, certainly Mommy and the kids have been struck. Today, despite the fact that it is only March 1st, we headed off to Fred Meyer with wagon in tow in search of plants and seeds. We came home with a full wagon of pansies, tulips, daffodils, crocuses, and another bloomer that lost it's little tag so it has no name. In addition to the color spots to put directly into the ground we came home with more seeds then our little plot of land can possibly handle. Sigh... I couldn't help myself, the kids are so enthusiastic about wanting to grow vegetables and dig in the earth, how could I say no?

It was fun to watch the kids study the labels and decide what they wanted to get. N, able read the packages , took his time reading each package. He picked out cucumbers, carrots, Dwarf sunflowers, mini pumpkins and sweet peas. L picked out things based on their photos, Mammoth Sunflowers, Nasturtiums and Jack-o-Lantern pumpkins. (it occurs to me that she might think they grow this way. Ah well, cross that bridge when we come t0 it) They are both very curious and full of anticipation for their garden to begin. I am sure I will be answering the question, "Can we plant our seeds today" daily for the next two months.

I admit I cheated and dug in the dirt and planted the daffodils and pansies all by myself while the kids were napping. I know, I know, how selfish of me! But, I'm about to dive into 6 weeks of rehearsal and another 6 week run of a show, so a little me time in the dirt is just what the doctor ordered. AND since I always get carried away, there's plenty left for them to help me tomorrow (weather permitting) or Sunday.

One of the more delightful moments of the day had nothing to do with gardening. Rather it centered around L's grand forays into the world of "girly" things and Mommy's habit of jumping to well, silly conclusions. Still in FM we were about to leave and L spots the row of barrettes, hair do-dads and other sparkly things. She makes a beeline for the display and is picking out barrettes fast and furiously. I talk her down off the sparkly ledge, as it were, and we agree to one card of barrettes. Then I hear N say, "Can I have some, too?" Well, why not? I'm a modern mom after all. . So after we agree that he'll share them with L after he's done with them he picks out a sparkly pair w/butterflies and we're on our way home. We get home and I get L all decked out - she had to wear all 6 barrettes at once as she just couldn't pick one pair. I turn to N and ask him if he'd like help or can he put the barrettes in himself. He looks at me quizzically and says, "I don't want to wear them. I'm pretending they are geese so they're gonna fly. Honk. Honk." Ah, of course you are...silly mommy....

So, how was your day?

Friday, February 5, 2010

thank you for your patience we'll return soon

Show closes Monday. Working on a new posting. see you soon.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

a lullabye for N and L by Mommy

Dragons Dragons go away
Come again by the light of day.
We don't care if you breathe fire,
cause we know we can jump higher.
Dragons, dragons go away
Come again by the light of day.

Monsters, Monsters stay away
come again by the light of day.
We don't want to see you face
better go back to your own place.
Monsters, monsters stay away
Come again by the light of day.

(Sung to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle little star)

Sometimes you gotta do, what you gotta do to keep those nighttime critters away.