Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Quotes of the year


"Daddy, do you and Mommy need some Mommy and Daddy time?"
"My favorite part of the day is that you were here the whole time" (hmm, will he say that in 10 years?)

"Where are you dropping us off NOW?" (ah the life of a theater kid)

"But, I didn't get to vote for Obama" (the morning after the election)

"Lucy, I like having you for a sister" (first time they walked hand and hand)

"Well, I'm not really interested in sleeping" (when asked why he was out of bed one evening)


"Bish kiss!" (when she wants a fish kiss)

"Self! No, Self" (she's an independent girl)
"chup-chup" (ketchup)

"noah, carseat now!"

Sunday, December 21, 2008

ho ho ho

Happy Holidays from our house to yours!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dear Santa:

Dear Santa,

I would like:

*a bike light for my trike so I can ride my trike at night

*my own keys for the front door (I will only unlock it , never lock it)

*an ambulance with 2 doors
*a police hat (because I want to be a police officer. They help people after they have been run over by the bad guys)***

I think Lucy would like:

*a Thomas the tank engine.

Love, N

(As dictated to Mommy, who tried valiantly not to laugh out loud at the preciseness of her son's desires)
***I have no idea where he came up with this definition of police officers

Television and my kids

I envy stay at home moms, the ones who seem to really enjoy staying at home EVERY day with their kids. I must confess I would not make a good stay at home mom. By the end of my 4 days home with the kids I am very ready to go to work. I think this goes without say, but I'll repeat it anyway, I LOVE MY KIDS. But, boy oh boy, are they active and busy. At these particular stages in their lives they need almost constant attention. Not necessarily constant stimulation, but they need our presence, just the same.

I think the television is a blessing and a curse. There are days when we don't watch a single minute of tv. The sun comes up and we run out the door to play in the sunshine and warm air. These are the days that walking to the park or to see the neighborhood chickens rule. These are the days that hanging out on the yard looking at library books (or in L's case leading mom in grand chase down the walk) is better then even Bob the Builder. On these day I know that the tv is nothing more than an unnecessary distraction from real life and I scoff at it.

Then there are the days of endless rains or runny noses. The days that drag on for hours because every activity I offer is met with a resounding "no". There are days when I simply must get some work done, or just need 30 minutes to do something other then read, "Maisy's Bedtime" AGAIN. These are the days that I am liable to turn the tv on for a hour in the morning, and maybe even pop in a video in the afternoon.

I used to beat myself up every time I let the kids watch tv, whether it was a 1/2 an hour or 2 hours. I was a harsh mistress. But one day I stopped and looked at my kids; a three year old who is reading at a 1st or 2nd grade level, who has a great imagination and good manner; and a 22 month old who is counting to 10 and singing her abc's who also loves life and can charm the pants off the grumpiest of people. And I realize that what little they watch has not adversely harmed them.

We watch PBSkids and videos. I think the only time N has seen commercials was during the Olympics, when he got turned onto swimming, diving and the hurdles. I credit the awesomeness of the divers and Michael Phelps with N's willingness to take swimming lessons this summer. And Lola Jones inspired us to create an obstacle course in the backyard this summer, complete with mini trampoline jumping and stick jumping.

And, to be honest, I like tv. There are days when I dream about a television-free household, and I wonder who would have the harder time, me or the kids? I bet it would be me. Because the tv saves my sanity from time to time, whether it's a rainy afternoon and I pop in a video or it's the end of a long day and I settle into the couch to watch Dr. McDreamy and Merideth spare once again. Yep, I think I'll find something new to beat myself up about, tv is not the enemy in this house.