Tuesday, August 10, 2010

No dogs in the bathroom

 In this world there are those who follow the rules and those who don't.  And somewhere in the midst of this are three year old girls.  Ms L currently is a rule follower.  Every time (and I mean every time) we went to the bathroom while camping she would stop and point out the signs at the entryway.  "That's me when I 'm a grown-up," she'd say pointing at the woman.  "See, you can tell because I don't have a dress on now."  She would then remind me, "no smoking and no dogs allowed in the bathroom."   We discussed what to do if we saw smoke in the bathroom (I was speaking of the smoke that comes from a fire, as I wasn't about to get into a moral/health discussion about smoking with her in the bathroom)  We decided we would tell a Ranger right away.  I did not address the issue of what to do if there was a dog in the bathroom, didn't think it would come up.  Oh, silly, silly mommy. Really, I should have seen this coming.  After all the gods certainly would want to reward such diligent behavior. "no smoking, no dogs"   Didn't Miss L deserve a chance to show off her skills as a good rule follower?  SIGH... Final morning, off we go (for what seems to be the umpteen-millionth trip to the bathrooms).  First things first.  Stop at the men's room to what, see if the sign has changed since we last walked by?  "Look Mommy, it's the boys' room.  There's N, when he's a grown up"   Around the corner we go, stop,  "Look it's the womens' bathroom.  That's me!  No smoking and no dogs allowed"    We go in, and while waiting our turn, sure enough, in walks a woman with her dog.  "MOMMY!  There's no dogs allowed in the bathroom.  No dogs allowed." She waits, briefly as if expecting me or someone to do something. (woman with the dog does a fine imitation of a wall, and hears nothing) "Well, I guess we'll just have to tell the Ranger."    ...and scene.


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