N approaches a new teacher at preschool this week.
"What's your name again?"
N walks away. Time passes, N returns.
"M-E-L-I-N-D-A Melinda"
"Wow, did you read that somewhere?
"No, I sounded it out. It's only three syllables"
He's Four?!?!?
N and I reading quietly on the couch. I hear some sniffling from time to time. I absentmindedly ask if he needs a tissue, without actually looking up. "no," comes the reply. Sniffing continues. I notice out of my peripheral vision that N is licking his hands, like kitty paws, repeatedly. Often.
"N, why are you licking your hands?"
"Because they have snot on them."
He's Four.
My favorite age is 4.They are wide open books waiting to be written.Some times I am sad I can't go back to teaching again.(Issac's meds won't allow it.) 5 is pretty darn cool too they turn into sponges wanting knowledge(even more than N is wanting already get ready.)
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