Thursday, October 16, 2008

Economics 101 by "N"

N was flipping thru an "educational" toy catalog last night. The catalog came home w/Patrick one day, seems it's for a new store that is aiming to get teachers in the door. And this is the conversation that ensued:

"I want to go to Daddy's school," N says

"What would you do at Daddy's school," I ask, thinking he'll say something about reading or hanging out with Daddy.

"So I could get these toys"

"Oh honey, those toys aren't at Daddy's school. You have to buy them"

"Okay, I want to buy them"

"Do you have any money?"

"No. could you buy them for me?"

"No, I don't have any extra money right now"

N ponders for a moment and then the light bulb goes off and he has a brilliant idea:

"I'll go the the Little Fred Meyer and they can give me money!" He declares.

"Why would they give you money?" I ask (trying not to giggle too much)

"well, if they want me to buy the toys the will give me money"

Ta-da. So, that's what I think, too. If the retailers of America want us to spend money this holiday season, they should start giving out cash.

1 comment:

h e r e x a c t l y said...

you go, dear sass...

it was in fact seeing your blog and then hopping over to patrick’s that spurred me to follow through on my plan to make one... thank you for being an inspiration.
i love the pictures of your babes, and love you for being just the kind of mama you are.

the elephant costume RULES!!!!!!!!!!!

big love,