Monday, October 13, 2008

oh happy day.

This is L after a day running around at Oregon Heritage Farms.

This photo is N after same day.

I am confident both had a great day. However, if you asked N at the end of the day if he had a good time, his answer was a resounding No! No amount of reminding him of all the fun things we did could pursuade him otherwise. A few months ago this would have been a great source of frustration to me. Luckily, someone wiser, and with much more mommy experience, reminded me that kids live in the moment. So, when you are leaving somewhere fun or making the child stop their favorite activity, all they can react to is the immediate moment. So, of course they are having no fun. It can be exasperating and disheartening. Particularly because it seems as if we fight the kids to go and then we fight them to leave. But, for that glorious in between it's a grand time.

So you live for the moments.

1 comment:

RGB said...

CHEESE! Love that.