Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I took a break from my normal day to day activites today and I took a writing workshop.  It wasn't quite as dynamic as I hoped it would be.  It was me and a bunch of 70+ year old women.  Now, let me tell you these women were great and they all had their own stories to tell.  And I enjoyed my time with them.  But, most of them will be back at the community center tomorrow taking another workshop on batiking (is this 1978??)   They were there for the fellowship and the chance to do something different.  I was there to get a good kick in the motivation department and maybe pick up a new writing buddy.

Good news is I got a good kick in the motiviation department and I cranked out about 9 pages of writing today.  Most of it will end up in the recylcing can one day.  But, if one paragraph or even one gem of a sentence is a keeper then it was a day well spent.

She held me in her arms and helped me off the ledge by singing songs of long ago chuch campfires.  She sang to me of bullfrogs on the banks of the Hanky Panky and of Fire and Rain.

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