Monday, March 11, 2013

Just another day in the life

I know, I know it's been too long.  But seriously, if you knew what our lives were like around here, you'd forgive me.  Oh, that's the point you want to know?  Okay, well here's a peek at the last 45 minutes:

N is reading a book.  What's the umbrella for, you ask?  Well, we do live in Oregon so you never know when you might need one.  (or it might be that a certain mother is lurking around the house with the camera again).

The sky.
Meanwhile, Ms. L is prepping the living room for a play. First she makes this:

"I'll get on your shoulders and then you can get on the stepladder.  Then we can tape it to the ceiling"

"That's not safe, L"

"Oh, I thought it was teamwork"

(See what we're up against around here)

The producer/star/costumer/designer/playwright decided that it would be okay if the sky was taped to the wall. And so, like in many a profesional theater productions a compromise was reached!

Next the stage was laid out:

Costuming and make up (so very important):

And finally the production:

Seriously, is it any wonder we get anything done around here with all this going on?!!!


Susie said...

"Oh No! The princess fainted!"

"I did that because of my mom." [Because she gave me the look of death.]

"May I request another song?"

"Ok. Mother Mary come to me, whisper words of wisdom, let it be.... Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beeeeeee....."

[The princess faints again, and says from upside down,]

"Uh Mommmm, why do you keep doing that?"

Classssssssic!!!!!!!!!!! And the best bonus? N in the background, reading under the pink umbrella.

Lauren Bair said...

OMG This is fantastic and I wish I lived with you all for these moments!! Hahaha! LOVE IT!!