Hello faithful readers... all seven of you. Okay, there are more, but it's o cool to have 7 "Followers" it makes me giddy inside.
Anyhoo, just acknowledging the fact that I promised you more on the camping trip at Cape Lookout. And I've tried, lord knows I've tried, to write. But, it's been dreadfully hot and I've not been sleeping and all I can come up with is this:
"Look Daddy, my nose is melting" and that's not even a quote from the camping trip. That's just a quote that makes me laugh every time. (Apparently the divine Ms L has learned to cross her eyes)
I could write about the bicycle mafia, as we dubbed the packs of kids ridding their bikes iaround and around, and around, the campgrounds from sun-up to sundown each day we were there. I kid you not. I'm pretty sure they were really spies from the US Forestry Dept trained to keep an ear open for repetitive campfire songs and excessive s'mores consumption. But, I'm too tired...
I suppose I could write about the time N found a moth in the restroom and carefully picked it up to take it back to the campsite to show Daddy. How bummed he was that, 'it got its wings wet and now it can't fly." And how he thought if he just waited long enough the wings would dry and all would be right. He never actually got to see if that was true, as Ms L pulled the wings off in her excitement to see the moth. Ah, little sisters. But again...too tired.
So many more stories to tell. Stay tuned and perhaps I'll perk up and produce soon.
for now, those you in Portland stay cool. And the rest of you well, I'm too tired to even be pithy...
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