Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thor, Darth Vader and vivid imaginations

Just a slice of life in the Wohlmut household.

Yesterday on the way to school N had a conversation with Thor.  Yes, Thor - God of Thunder.  N wanted to make sure that Thor would wait until everyone was asleep before he started to cry (thus making it rain).  Apparently, N talks to the gods all the time.

Later in the day I asked why Thor was crying.   Once he started talking I knew I'd want to remember his response so I scribbled down his response as fast as I could.  And I share it here with you.

Wait Mom, I can read the god's minds you know.  (He closes his eyes and begins to concentrate).  
Oh, dear! This is Terrible! Zeus was attacked by a Cyclops and the Cyclops swallowed Thor's hammer.  Thor had to go and buy a new hammer, but don't worry he has lots and lots of riches.
Before he smashed the Cyclops to death the cyclops sank his teeth into Thor's arm and now it's bleeding.  I think that's why he's crying (it was pouring outside at this time).

Did you know I'm also a fortune teller to the gods?  Yeah, they call me Mr. Fortune Teller.  I think fortune telling is my mutant power.  Otherwise I'm just an ordinary kid.

Oh, my darling boy... there is nothing ordinary about you.  We are delighted in your imagination and story telling abilities.  We cannot wait to see where it takes you.

And then there's Ms L.  I'm sure some of you have seen this meme .  Well, Ms. L LOVES it.  And she wrote a little song about it and sang it...a lot.  I may try and get it one video for you, but for now you'll have to settle for the lyrics.

My name is Darth Vader and I wanted to do something silly.  So I rode my unicycle in a SKIRT! down Hawthorne.  And I played the bag pipes. Oh oh oh Darth Vader is such a silly man.  

Yeah, it loses a bit without the tune, but again we are so delighted to have another child with a wonderful imagination and joie de vive.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rock n Roll

So, do you think she loves rock n roll?

Stayed tuned.  Next we'll have a video starring "Bob".