Monday, March 29, 2010

Super Snap and Captain Bubble

Today was one of those spring days in Oregon when it rains, and rains, and then it pours for awhile and then goes back to more rain. Days like this are hard enough under normal circumstances, but we are currently in the midst of the rehearsal-going-into-performance cycle in our household. Which translates to child speak into Mommy is never home. So when she is home it's all about how much attention can we get from her and how close can we keep our bodies to her before she'll crack under the pressure. Now, I realize that my children are exactly that - children, and they are not equipped with the same understanding of time that adults are. They cannot comprehend the idea that 7 more weeks does not a life time make. In fact soon enough this will be but a blip on the radar. But to them it is an eternity and they want Mommy home now!

So, instead of a day at the park I daydreamed about on our recent glorious Saturday afternoon (I found myself gazing out the window during at least one of Iago's soliloquies - sorry, T0dd) we had a day trapped inside. Before anyone suggests I should have just decked everyone out in our rainy day gear and gone puddle stomping, I'll say it crossed my mind. But, one has the sniffles and one has the case of the three-year old-itis, it just wasn't happening today.

Now, if you ask my children what we did today, they are liable to tell you nothing. And they way they were begging me to play hide and seek (for the 2nd time) this evening you would have thought I hid from them all day leaving them to their own entertainment. To that I say, oh hohoho n-n-n-no. I was in pretty good form today. There was craft time and stories. There was couch pirate ship sailing across the mighty ocean to the undiscovered territory of Toyland. There was breakfast, lunch and a lovely variety of fruit mid-morning snack. There was trains, paper dolls and bed trampoline races. There were more stories, and chores (Oh, yes I made them each put away one pile of clean laundry and pick up their toys when done -the horror!) I'm telling you it was a full day. I was exhausted.... it was only 1:30. Hooray for "rest time"

Rest time used to be called nap time. But nobody naps anymore. They both could use naps, but have declared themselves too old. So it's rest time, it is. Piles of books and sleepy children head to separate rooms and they read. Some days, if we are lucky, L will still fall asleep. But, I think she's too busy listening for N (who gets to watch the clock and come out at the appointed time on his own) to come bounding out of the room. For usually mere moments after he comes tearing out she's right behind asking oh so coyly, "is N up yet?" as if she doesn't see him standing directly in front of her!

This is the time of day when I usually begin to crack. We try to limit the tv/computer time. But on days like today it's so easy to give in when N turns to me with his sweetest smile and says, "May I have computer time, please?" So, to the computer he goes and Miss L is right there beside him and for 30 blissful minutes I sit on the couch reading cheap magazines or detective novels. (Rest time may be for housework or dinner prep, but computer time is lounging time!)

When all is said and done it wasn't a bad day. Oh L got 3 time outs and N sobbed as if the world would end when he couldn't watch a video tonight. But those things go with the territory.

If you ask me my favorite part of the day was making the masks below for "Super Snap" (N) and "Captain Bubble" or "Bug Girl" (L). But as you see in the above photo, I think their favorite part of the day was pretending to be kitties in the yarn used for the mask making.

Oh, and a giant shout out to Patrick for making the biscuits for dinner with the kids. YUMMM!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm three!

I'm three, I'm three, I'm three! Mommy had planned to write this blog on her own, but the truth is I like to do EVERYTHING myself, so I'm doing it. No, I'm serious if mommy or daddy lift me into my car seat I'm gonna just climb back out and get in it myself. If mommy picks out something for me to wear, I'm gonna just toss it back in the drawer and pick out something else. (and usually something much cuter, I might add) Yep, I am an independent gal.

I am enjoying being three. It's like I woke up one day and suddenly I'm a big girl. Mommy says that sometimes this new found independence can make me a bit of a drama queen. I'm not sure what she's talking about, doesn't everyone cry over the details? I mean it is very important how my carrots are sliced (or not sliced depending upon the day). It is a huge deal if I don't get to have PB&J EVERY DAY. If mommy would just learn this then I wouldn't cry on the days she tries to sneak in ham and cheese.

I really enjoy playing with my magnetic paper dolls. I know it can drive mommy crazy when I want her to dress and undress the dolls with me all afternoon. I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm trying to gas-light her with this little game, but really I just love my dolls. My favorite one is Annie. It's most important that she have just the right outfit on when it's time to go to her dance class, and no, it can't be the blue shoes it must be the pink ones...and again it's very important to the happiness of the entire world.

Speaking of dance class I had a wonderful dance party for my birthday. Did you know that I am really Angelina Ballerina? It's true. I love to spin and twirl and dance around the house in my tutu. I also love to throw in pratfalls from time to time. It's okay, I'm good at pratfalls (l learned them from my big brother N. He's the best) so I never get hurt. I hope I get to take dance classes this summer.

N and I are learning how to play together. Sometimes we fight and I'm not as good as sharing as he is, but hey I've only be three for a couple of months now. There's a lot on my plate these days. Some days I want to do whatever it is that N is doing. I like to play with his trains, I'll eat whatever he's eating, play tag or sit quietly reading on the couch with him. I think that some days I bother N, but it's just because I love him so much and he's my best friend.

Mommy interjects here. N had a bad day a few weeks ago when he and a school chum were having a communication troubles over the term "best friend". This is the conversation that Daddy overheard in the car are the way home:

L "it's okay N you're my best friend, right?"
N "Right, and you're mine."

I enjoy painting and coloring and all kinds of crafts. If I could I would have craft day every day, especially if Mommy would let me use scissors and markers all the time. That would be soooo great. I love being outdoors and picking flowers and digging in t
he dirt. Well, I liked digging in the dirt until I discovered that is where worms live... I don't like worms, at all. I dislike worms so much that I have myself convinced that every stick we see on the sidewalk is a potential worm waiting just for me. Although mommy thinks I might be moving out of my worm hating phase as today I drew a picture of worms in the dirt. (but, I might just surprise her with a loud screech on our next walk, just to remind her who decides when I'm done with this phase her or ME)

The other big news is that I practically potty trained myself. I just woke up one Sunday and announced I wanted to wear underwear and so I did. And I've been doing it ever since. I haven't had very many accidents (although some times I think boys have it easier in the aiming department. And I am learning that it's hard to watch yourself pee and keep it all in the potty at the same time) I haven't mastered it completly, but I love, love, love wearing underwear almost as much as I love wearing my cherry boots (and I try to do that everyday) so I'm working hard to keep them clean and dry.

I sure am looking forward to being three for awhile, although I still don't understand why I can't just have another birthday party this week so I can turn 4. But, I guess N get to have the next party and then he'll be 5. WOW...that's gonna be great.


For a few years now we've been saying grace at dinner time.

We are grateful for the food on the table
The many hands that helped provide it.
We are grateful for the time we get to spend together as a family
We ask for blessings on those less fortunate then ourselves
And, as always, we pray for Peace. Amen.

This served us well for a few years. It induced some giggles when Mommy would forget the line about family (perhaps, subconsciously after a particularly long day?) or when the kids began to say it and tripped over works like 'less fortunate" . The end is always said with great enthusiasm, and volume.

A couple of weeks ago I felt that, like many routine things, the pray had become...well...routine. So, instead of beginning the prayer I asked what everyone was grateful for. I have been amazed at what has come from the kids. I'm not sure what I expected, but I did not expect them to take the idea and run with it. Oh sure, there are days when they are grateful for a tv show or a toy. But other days we get some thoughtful responses:

L - I am grateful for 'No-No' (what she sometimes calls her brother)

N- I am grateful for going to the library

L - I am grateful that the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, and that the clouds are big so rain can fall from them.

N- I am grateful for my friend Dylan

Me, I'm grateful for those glimpses at the end of a day that show me we are, indeed, doing some things right. Amen