Friday, July 30, 2010

LRW - Bee Whisperer

This photo has nothing to do with this post.  I just thought it was cute. She's a cowgirl in this photo.  And yes the dress is on backwards, the boots are pink and it's a winter cap.  Gotta a problem with that?

So, Ms. L's new favorite thing to do?  She likes to stare at the bees in the lavender bush.  She will then say, 'these are my bees'.  Tonight she began catching bees in with her fingers (thumb and index)  She'd look at them and  say, 'they won't bite me, mama'  then she let them go.  I'm not sure how many she did this with before I began to count. But when I did count, I noted she had  gently caught 10 bees, checked them out and set them free.   Who does that?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Just another day in the life

"Mama!!" Long knocks on the bathroom door.  SIGH....  "who is it?" I call, knowing exactly who is knocking.  If I'm in the shower, it's going to be L.  "It's me!  I have to go potty!"    SIGH.  "Come in"  I hear her flounce in.  There's a flutter of activity as she looks in the mirror, opens the linen closet doors in search of a band-aid.  "I think my owie is bleeding,again."   "It's not bleeding L.  If you have to go potty go, otherwise please leave and shut the door behind you."  ( All I want for Christmas is an uninterrupted shower. Hell, an uninterrupted moment in the bathroom)

"Mama, I want to take a shower WITH you"  "L, you don't even like showers."  "Yes, I do"  "Really,  Okay, sure... come on it"   More flurry of activity while she disrobes.  Another few minutes of stalling while she plays peek--a--boo with shower curtain.   "L, if you want to get in, just get in.  I'm almost done"    "Okay"

L steps into the shower.  I step out of the way to allow her to enjoy the shower experience.  And after a look of shock disbelief followed by that special high pitched squeal that only young girls possess, she says to me in her most indignant tone, "but Mama, I didn't want to get wet in the shower!!!!"